Frequently asked questions

Why the random opening days/hours?
We open when we can. As well as opening the shop to the public, we also go out and collect scrap, swap scrap with other stores and sort and process everything.
Want us to open more often? Help us by volunteering!
Do I need to be a member to shop with you?
Yes, in order to shop at ScrapDragon you need to sign up as a member, this includes reading and agreeing to our terms & conditions of membership and providing us with a few details about yourself and/or your organisation.
How much does membership cost?
From 1st October 2024 - 31st July 2025, membership is £1 for individuals, £5 for groups, and £10 for large groups. See membership page for details.
How much does your scrap cost?
We have individually priced items and scrap rooms.
We charge by volume for scrap - it's £5 for a full shopping basket, you can mix and match from the rooms. Minimum charge for scrap is £1.
Can I bring my children?
Unfortunately not. As the number of visitors to our shop has increased in recent years, we are having to limit the number of people who can shop in our scrap rooms. For this reason we have made the difficult decision to not allow children into our scrap rooms, with the only exception of home-schooled children at certain times - please email us for further information.
We are sorry for the inconvenience - we're doing the best we can in a tiny space!
Can I bring my pets?
We only allow working guide dogs in our scrap rooms for the same reason that we are a small shop, space is limited and we have to limit the number of people shopping at any one time. We made the decision that as dogs take up extra space we will only permit working guide dogs. We are sorry for the inconvenience - we're doing the best we can in a tiny space!
We will continue to allow small ESA's as long as they are carried at all times and are not put down on the floor at any time. No paws on the floor except guide dogs.
Can I fill my basket with one thing?
Depends what it is - we sometimes limit the numbers of items that people can take, to try and ensure that there is enough for everyone. We are a community resource, and we ask that our members be considerate to other people using the resource: only take what you need.
Do you take cash or card payments?
Yes, we accept cash and card payments. Minimum spend on card is £1 because the machine won't let us put in a smaller amount :)
Is there parking nearby?
Yes, there is a small car park directly out the front of ScrapDragon, and on street parking nearby.
When are you open next?
We post the opening dates and times for each month on our social media pages and on the front page of our website.
I work for a charity/ I'm raising money for something, can I have free stuff from you or could you give me a discount?
Unfortunately not.
As mentioned, ScrapDragon is a not for profit organisation, our volunteers donate their time for free to keep our community resource going, and we keep our prices as low as we can. At £5 to fill a shopping basket fill of scrap, we believe our prices are affordable.
What do you sell?
Clean, safe and non-toxic scrap!
Useful wood, card, fabric, offcuts, plastic, foam, leather, pleather, cable drums, tubes, carpet, samples, packaging, crafty bits, string and rope... stuff that the everyday folk leave behind.
Our stock changes week by week - some things we can get in regularly, other things we'll only ever see once.
Do you accept household donations?
When we can, yes - we're a small shop and our main aim is to help local businesses reduce their waste. Please get in touch if you would like to donate to us!

Get to know us!

We are passionate about making Sheffield a more eco-friendly city, and we are always looking for new donations from local industry, which in turn helps local businesses reduce the amount of waste they throw away.
We make it easy to be environmentally friendly. By choosing to shop with us, you are repurposing scrap material instead of buying something new.
We collect items that are clean, safe, and non-toxic. From giant plastic tubs to wooden cable reels, textile remnants and sample books to carpet pieces, offcuts of rubber to bubble wrap. If we can lift it, we’ll usually accept it!

Creative imagination

Find your perfect piece for any project. We have a wide range of scrap materials suitable for loose part play, mud kitchens, crafts art projects, cards, gifts and much more. We sell a wide variety of items in a range of materials.
Want a giant bit of blue fabric for a watery background? Need something to make a hobby horse? Are you looking for inspiration for a craft activity for a group? Come to us with a project in mind and we’ll see what bits we can find to help! Our stock is continually changing, there’s always something new.


We are to be an affordable resource for the local community, providing sustainable materials to all. Everyone is welcome to shop with us by signing up for free membership. You can join when you visit us, it takes 2 minutes.
We want everyone to share the joy of crafting with us! The more people shop with us, the more donations we can accept and the more scrap material is diverted from landfill and incinerators.
Don’t keep us a secret! Share us with your friends and family, your colleagues, your local school or community group. Everyone benefits when we join together.


We make your arts budget go further! By shopping with us your project isn’t limited by cost, and your imagination can go wild. We offer a unique supply of unusual items that people don’t usually get to make things with.
Our team of volunteers are experienced in crafting and building allsorts of things. Between us we’ve made windmills and marble runs, catapults and sculptures, clothing and sensory boxes. We’re always on hand to offer suggestions or advice where needed. Tell us your idea and we’ll find the bits for your STEAM project!
Get in touch!
204 Verdon St
S3 9QS
Email: scrapdragonsheffield@gmail.com
Phone: 0114 272 0615